Aids for the disabled
TKS create solutions that increase mobility and freedom in everyday life. Our products are aimed to wheelchair and PC users with daily challenges.
Itongue ®
Aids to:
Communication and wheelchair controller in one product
ITongue is for people who are paralyzed but still have mobility in their tongue. Itongue makes it possible to control the wheelchair and the communication devices such as your TV,computer and smart devices.
Itongue is a dental brace that is designed for the individual user. The dental brace consists of 18 sensors, which is controlled by the user's tongue. To get the best use of the product, the user must have/get a tongue piercing.
In the video to the right, you meet Bente Ray who has an ITongue. In the video, she illustrates how she has gained more control and mobility in her life.
Hjælpemiddelbasen HMI-nr: 101454
Ihandle ®
Aids to:
Communication and wheelchair controller in one product
Ihandle is a finger-controlled device made for people in wheelchairs, who has very little movement left in their fingers. With the product, it is possible to control the wheelchair as well as smartphone, tablet, computer and TV.
Ihandle consists of a two-piece keyboard, which is no bitter than your thumb. The top part of the keyboard consists of 10 sensors, while the lower part of the keyboard consists of 8 sensors.
Hjælpemiddelbasen HMI-nr: 120885
Ictrl ®
Aids to:
Your app for communication and wheelchair control
Ictrl is the modern joystick for your wheelchair. It is an app for your smartphone, which makes it possible to control your wheelchair and smart home device.
You only need your smartphone to use Ictrl. With the phone you can easily control your wheelchair and you do not need to use the joystick on your wheelchair.
To use the app you need the control unit. Therefore, the app is included when you the Itongue and Ihandle. If you do not have the Itongue nor Ihandle you have to buy the control unit.
Ictrl supports Android.

When you buy Itongue or Ihandle you also get
Control Unit connects the product with the wheelchair and devices.

Your app for communication and wheelchair control (ICtrl).

Itremor ®
The product that stabilise your tremors
Itremor is a movement stabilizerfor users with Parkinsons, ALS, muscular dystrophy, spasticity or similar, which provides you with uncontrolled tremors.
The adjustment of your movements is easy via the Itremor and if your movements change over time, you can easily recalibrate it according to your preferences.
The iTremor can be connected to different joysticks and different wheelchair models.

Itremor Mouse ®
A movement stabilizer for your computer mouse
If you experience that your tremors affect how you use your computer mouse , the iTremor Mouse can help you stabilize the mouse on the computer screen.
The iTremor Mouse is a hand stabilization, which you can connect to a computer mouse.
Hjælpemiddelbasen HMI-nr: 120882

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